How to increase your memory capacity in just 40 days? Most days, you need to fight and fight hard just to remember where you've put your keys, but there are a few super-memorizers among the total population of the world who can Save huge lists of words at once, or re-list thousands of numbers after memorizing them. Now, new research suggests that these supermodels are not as different from us as we think, and even even middle-sized human minds can be taught the same super-conservation skills only in just over a month of exercise. Enhancing Memory Capabilities As a matter of fact, the brain of a person with intermediate memory skills does not differ structurally from the brains of super memory holders, according to the new study; which means there is hope for all of us to enhance our memory capabilities. To find out, researchers at Radbud University Medical Center in the Netherlands studied the brains of 23 top competitors in the World Memory Championship - a contest where contestants try to re-remember more words than the person next to them. The curious thing is that researchers have found that the brain anatomy of these special people has nothing special compared with the average brains of 23 other people with similar ages, health and intelligence similar to super memory holders, but the difference here is that the brains of the World Memory Champions showed specific changes In the process of connecting and bonding that occurs within the brain, in other words, areas of their brains work together in different ways. Because the connections and interconnections between the parts of the brain are known to be a flexible process, the research team has tested whether memory card holders can be trained to improve their memory to a large extent. After training 51 of these persons for 30 minutes per day over 40 days, the team found that a specific method of training they used in training exercises increased the participants' memory capacity to twice - moving from a recount of an average of 26 words from a list of 72 Word to remember 62 complete words. The most striking thing here is that the patterns of communication in the brain were closer to the brains of athletes participating in the World Memory Championship. Four months later, after completing the exercises, their memory performance remained at a high level. Martin Dreisler, lead author of the study, said that after the training we saw a wide range of performance improvements in memory tests. "You can not only change behavior, but this training has also pushed into brain-like patterns of communication similar to those of superheroes in the World Memory Championships," he said
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