Calculation of calories

 Calories and energy balance The energy balance we mean here is the amount of energy entering the body in the form of calories from various foods, and the amount of energy coming out of it "consumed" by various daily activities and vitality. What is Calorie? This balance is the secret of losing weight or increasing it if we know how to control it to turn the equation in favor of what we want to achieve, which is as follows: If the equation is as follows: energy entering the body = energy consumed or out of the body , This means maintaining a constant weight. The following equation: energy entering the body> of the energy consumed, it means excess calories in the body, which may mean conversion and storage in the form of fat in the body, and thus overweight if adopted as a way of life. If the equation is as follows: energy entering the body <of energy consumed, here we get the results of weight loss and loss of fat accumulated in the body, which is what most certainly hope! Calories in different foods Knowing the amount of calories in foods eaten daily is very important in order to maintain healthy weight and make sure that we do not start more than the crisis. It is possible to determine the amount of calories in food coated and manufactured by the food label, which shows the amount of energy under the name of "calories," and using the calorific unit or the price of "Cal." Cal per kilogram, which is also identified on the label. To find out more about the food label and how to read it, simply enter the following article: Food stickers are a way to get healthy. As for the calorie contained in different food items, this is specified in the food lists and their alternatives according to the food ration of the different groups. For example, a medium sized fruit such as a small apple, which is equal to one serving of fruit, provides about 60 calories. A share of carbohydrates such as bread, which is equal to 30 g, it provides us with about 80 calories and so on. To find out more about the rations and quantities of food rations, you can find the following guide in determining the quantity of rations: The guide to determine the amount of food and rations. Calories Consumed The amount of calories a person consumes by doing a particular physical activity varies depending on a range of factors, including size, age, intensity and type of activity. The more vigor and effort you exert, the more calories you burn. For example, brisk walking consumes more calories than walking at a moderate pace. And let's not forget that the human body consumes more calories to do the necessary metabolism, and its various functions of breathing, digestion, brain functions and others

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