6 ways to lose weight

Once you wake up, you need to follow some good habits so you can lose weight and enjoy better health. Learn about morning habits that prevent you from losing weight.

6 Morning Habits Increase Your Weight
Obesity and overweight have become a common problem. It's no secret that a balanced diet and regular exercise are the most effective ways to reduce excess weight, but some people do not get a result. There may be something wrong with the morning routine, as it has a big impact. Learn about these errors:

1. You sleep too much
Getting up early is good for your health and weight.

Too much sleep can cause an increase in weight. Some studies found that sleep for more than 10 hours at night increased the risk of having a higher BMI compared with those who slept 7-9 hours a night.

In addition, excessive sleep increases the level of appetite-causing cortisol, which leads to excessive eating.

In contrast a little sleep is not good for your health, so you should moderate and recommend sleeping from 7-9 hours at night.

Do not eat breakfast
Breakfast is the first of the day, and you should always eat it.

If you skip breakfast, you may not succeed in reaching your goal of losing weight.

By skipping breakfast, you can spoil your metabolism and your body's ability to burn fat.

When you eat a healthy breakfast, it increases the energy level your body needs to activate its functions and stabilizes glucose levels.

3 - The food dealt with breakfast
While skipping breakfast may make you gain weight, eating the wrong breakfast may also be bad for your weight. Studies found that unhealthy breakfast was associated with an increased risk of obesity and chronic disease.

To lose weight and maintain a healthy weight, eat a healthy breakfast that includes fiber, carbohydrates, protein and healthy fats that give you energy and make you feel full.

4. Do not drink water
Before drinking coffee or tea, you should drink a glass of water or lemon water with the first thing in the morning.

Drinking water helps maintain the right temperature and balance nutrients in your body and also helps digestion, as the water fills the stomach, so there is less chance of excessive eating at breakfast.

So, if you want to lose weight, start your day with a glass of lukewarm water. For best results, add lemon juice and honey to the water, this helps you lose weight faster.

Do not get exposed to sunlight in the morning
When you wake up in the morning, do not lie down just inside, go out and enjoy the sun.

Do not be exposed to morning sun, may block you lose weight, as sunlight helps to accelerate the rate of metabolism.

So, when you wake up in the morning, you can walk or do some outdoor exercise. Exposure of 20 to 30 minutes for sunlight is enough to affect your BMI.

6. Do not exercise
It is recommended to devote time in the morning routine to doing some exercise. There is no need for a gym, you can walk fast, jogging, swimming or cycling.

It is best to stretch before starting to exercise, it helps to relax your muscles and cleanse your mind.

Keep track of your weight daily to find out why you are overweight, what kind of changes you can make to your diet, and exercise to lose weight

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