10 juices working on weight loss

10 juices working on weight loss

2 - bitter gourd juice
It may taste tasteless, but it helps to burn fat a lot, as bitter gourd juice or carilla helps to stimulate the liver regularly to secret the bile acids needed for fat metabolism.

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It is also very low in calories, so it is considered the best juice for weight loss.

3-juice option
Vegetables and fruits that contain a large proportion of water are low in calories, and help burn fat, most notably the cucumber.

The option contains a large percentage of water and fiber, and thus makes you feel full for a long time without gaining weight.

Some lemon juice and some mint leaves can be added to make a refreshing summer drink.

4 - juice in hope
Raspberry juice is a hope, also known as Indian raspberry, and this juicy taste is bitter.

This juice helps maintain the functions of the digestive system and speed up metabolism, which speeds up fat burning.

This juice is often drunk on the saliva, after adding a drop of honey to it, to maintain activity and energy throughout the day.

5 - pomegranate juice
Pomegranate is a perfect juice for the skin and restore its natural glow, it also helps in weight loss.

Pomegranate contains antioxidants, polyphenols and linoleic acid, all of which increase fat burning and metabolism.

Pomegranate juice also helps curb appetite for a long time.

6. Cabbage juice
Fiber intake contributes to the elimination of fat, and because cabbage contains many fibers with a few calories, it is the ideal juice for weight loss.

Fiber also causes a feeling of fullness for a long time, as it absorbs water from the body, forming a mass that slows the digestion process.

Cabbage can be mixed with apples, lemon or carrots to make a fat-burning juice.

7 - watermelon juice
The melon fruit is characterized by its low calorie, 100 g of which contains only 30 calories, and helps keep the body moist.

The melon is also rich in amino acid arginine, which helps in fat burning.

8. Orange juice
Orange is a very low-calorie fruit, so drinking orange juice will be ideal while following a healthy diet to get its benefits without weight gain.

It is recommended to replace any other juices such as soft drinks and other orange juice.

9. Pineapple juice
Pineapple juice contains an important enzyme called bromelain, which helps in protein metabolism and burning excess fat, especially in the abdominal area.

Bromelain also works with other enzymes such as lipase inhibiting appetite, and is characterized by its low calorie calories.

10-apple juice
Apple contains a large proportion of fiber, thus reducing the feeling of hunger for a long time, and also helps in burning fat, especially green apples.

Apple juice is rich in many important vitamins and minerals to maintain health and prevent disease.

Apple juice is also characterized by low calories.

It is therefore recommended to drink fresh apple juice to get all these benefits

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