
Often misunderstood this problem and be treated inappropriately. It defines constipation technically tough it out stools for less than three times a week. The patient sometimes suffers from feeling bloated and shrinking opposed. In fact, the natural tension of bowel movements varies widely among people, three times a day to three a week.

Constipation is not a disease exhibitors. Like fever, occurs when the cause factor among several factors slowing the passage of food through bowel Alglaith. These factors include:
- A lack of fluid consumption
- Improper diet
- Irregular bowel habits
- Aging
- Lack of physical activity
- Pregnancy
- Disease
- Like many medicines that cause constipation in patient

Although some cases of severe constipation that is disturbing, but the situation itself is not dangerous. But it continues to catch it may lead to other complications Kalpuasir or torn anal fissure or a so-called "anal discord."


To reduce the risk of constipation:

- Try eating your meals at regular intervals, get a lot of foods that contain high levels of fiber, including fresh fruit and vegetables, cereals and bread
- Drink 8 - 10 glasses of water or other fluids a day
- Multiply your physical activity
- Do not ignore your need to defecate
- Use بالملحقات like fibrous
- Do not rely on laxatives

Medical Aid:

Contact your doctor if you experience severe constipation or if constipation persists for more than three weeks.
In rare cases may indicate constipation to a more serious condition such as cancer or hormonal disorders or heart disease or kidney failure.

Child care:

No constipation is a problem with the baby, especially if they are breast-fed. A child who breast-fed may not excretes more than once a week.

Older children suffer from constipation sometimes their mother, they do not care to take enough time to go to the bathroom. The infected young children sometimes constipated during train them to use the toilet because they are afraid or refuse to use. However, the child defecate once a week may be considered normal.

If turned to the problem of constipation, Push the child to drink a lot of fluids to soften stools. A warm bath to contribute to the relaxation of the child and pay his intestines to move.

Avoid the use of laxatives in children without a prescription

Use laxatives damage on health:

The excessive use of laxatives may damage your health and lead to worsening constipation. Such medicines that:

- Push the body to expel the vitamins and other nutrients necessary before it is absorbed. This process upset the natural balance of salts and nutrients in the body
- Laxatives interfere with other drugs covered by the injured
- Cause lazy bowel disease, bowel so fail to function normally because it has become dependent on laxative stimulate output stool. As a result, worsening constipation after stopping laxative abuse

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