Care physician with stand, pregnancy problems and troubles

Care physician with stand
Exposed pregnant woman during pregnancy, a period of time of nine months, to hormonal changes and changes in the blood usually shows the impact of mental disorders and neurological and healthy.
And these disorders are mild at times, violent and sometimes to the point of maximum. The pregnant woman who is aware of what's going on then shifts. Known origin and cause, manage itself much better than that and Ttohmha unknown to serious illness.
There is no doubt that knowledge of these things Schdjaha to bear the sacrifices of pregnancy for the sake of future motherhood, and will make them more willing to confront the pain of the situation and Anzaaajath.
But knowing these things are not only medical care and psychological sponsored by the doctor during pregnancy. They include, in addition to the Universal Periodic medical examinations, and useful explanations about the reasons for the emergence of laxatives symptoms of pregnancy and how their deliberations.
The physician should reassure pregnant women that these symptoms are not satisfactory, but it is normal. As it knows that the most important preventive steps to be taken in relation to their health and the system of daily living and behavior, so that up to an hour the situation by the full psychological safety and clarity of mind and thought.

Alouham morning and vomiting
Alouham is the feeling of vomiting with dizziness simple, in the first three months of pregnancy is accompanied by mood swings in the mirror. It is going on almost half pregnant.
The severity of symptoms vary and Lina between a female and the other will either be mild, it feels like a mirror. And can be either severe vomiting then becomes multiple and Mtcathera Vinhec mirror and vice versa. May increase both in the case of the mirror so that sometimes defy all palliative treatments, forcing the doctor to use a serum or injected drugs or Asaaffha in the hospital.
Show signs of Alouham usually early in the morning and then disappear after a few hours. It has been noted that the landscape ugly and the bad smell and severe stomach empty.
All of which result in disturbing the self and the occurrence of nausea, and this is what prompted doctors to say for sure that the reasons for Alouham are often the causes of neuropsychiatric disorder arising on the impact of physiological balance in the nervous system in the plant. And when our knowledge. To describe pregnant women, or more, do not become Balouham and symptoms, we realized what the impact of the psychological factor in the adult occurs.
A feeling of her pregnancy and pregnant calculate what might result from events, and the consequent responsibilities of exhausting itself and increases in confusion and irritate the nervous apparatus to the point where it becomes a hated scenes or strong smells can provoke vomiting with ease.
On this basis, change the direction of addressing this "disease" for pregnant women. While we resort to dialysis to reduce the toxins from the body of a pregnant, we treat them with medicine psychological and verbal persuasion without resorting to the use of heavy drugs and analgesics Blida.
I therefore emphasize the need to address Alouham severe psychological effects before drugs because I found that about seventy-five percent of pregnant women who received beams Alouham remarkable result by this treatment.
How is it treated Alouham?
Alouham addresses, in general, on the basis of the following:
1. A pregnant woman to occupy herself thinking about what entertained Permanent pregnancy. Such as reading or visiting friends.2. Not to think about vomiting or nausea before it occurs.3. Confined to bed after waking up. Especially after eating breakfast, for a quarter of an hour so as not to Ti_nj muscles of the stomach (Spasme) and starts vomiting. It is preferable to eat breakfast in bed.4. Avoid butter and fatty substances in the morning meal, and only some light food, such as honey, milk, rice milk and eggs.5. Keep the stomach filled in most of the day, so eating a few meals to eat during the day, or eat something as simple biscuits with low doses of milk or cocoa or tea between the meal and the meal and any other in the ten o'clock before noon and four o'clock in the afternoon.6. Eat light at noon, such as vegetable soup, power and brown bread. The dinner it would be red meat, fresh or grilled on low heat. With a few vegetables, or grilled or boiled potatoes, or salad with lettuce, tomato and a little jam. And before bed, can take a pregnant piece of bread or plain biscuits with a glass of warm milk, or cold, or cocoa. They should know that this diet is a temporary program and used to go away nausea and Alouham, and then must return to normal food.7. Finally, I advise you, dear pregnant exercise sports and athletic movements to light and day and evening walks in parks or on the shores of the sea, and this sponsor calm nerves and relieve the soul and increase the amount of oxygen in the blood.
It would only follow these instructions carefully pregnant, it is enough, in most cases, to remove the symptoms Alouham. If you do not stop nausea. However you should consult your doctor.
Possible to address Alouham when necessary drugs, the most important public analgesics and sedatives are given in the form of injection into a muscle, or pills taken by mouth, suppository or enema. Among these drugs, for example:
Alnavidoudi (Navidoxine) or Alfogalin (Vogalene) and these drugs are the type of sedatives that inhabit areas of nervous agitation and psychological in the brain and from which a sense of Alouham beams.
Stomach aches or movement
Show burning in the stomach area, ie in the upper abdomen, and accompanied, in some cases, vomiting small amounts of liquid over the acid from the stomach before eating and after. This situation is not heart-related, but occur as a result of laziness, stomach, intestines, which are in fact the appearance of a simple manifestation of poor digestion.
That's the first step to remedy this Allzah are drawn to the way food and health food as much as possible to avoid entering a substance sour pickles, spices, and that hurt the membrane of the stomach and increase the secretion of acid in it.
As a pregnant woman also should avoid excessive food, and chew food well, and move away from heavy foods and brackish digestion, and exercises and light. It is strange that the best way to prevent the bite - or heartburn - is to eat a tablespoon of skim milk - or cream - half an hour before eating. But if you start burning this method becomes useless.
To deal with heartburn, also taken from the great outstanding Almalux (Maalox), a compound of anti-acids of the stomach, which is the best and better than the spoon or Alcarbonat Almaniza chewing gum sold in pharmacies for the same goal.
Intestinal gas or bloating
Imagines the few women experience that the swelling of the abdomen instead of the pregnancy in the first weeks, how many women have had recourse to doctors to make sure, it is in fact, unaware that diet, which will become the embryo remains small for several weeks even several months, then we infer the load of external appearance But at the end of the fifth month sometimes. In fact, the swollen abdomen when pregnant is produced as a result of gathering gas into the bowel because of laziness which, you feel the mirror Bbtnha like a drum inflated with air, then the womb of a pregnant high-volume presses on the intestine and impedes the activity and cause the stagnation of foods and increase fermentation and prevent the exit gases rapidly from the intestine.
Treatment of intestinal gas
Most important treatment of the gases intestinal is to avoid foods that produce gas in the intestine, Calfasolaa, onions, cabbage, radish, turnip, pans and Arabic sweets fatty, and I would advise a pregnant chewing solid foods slowly and carefully, and not to drink water, cola and juice a lot, or talk during a meal.
How to get rid of constipation?
Pregnant women often get constipated (Constipation) during pregnancy, and this happens because of pressure from the uterus on the intestine on the one hand, and intestinal laziness on the impact of hormonal changes that occur in the body during pregnancy, on the other.
In order to avoid constipation during pregnancy, I advise you to Madam the following:
1. And Azba on physical exercise and walking and movement daily.2. Drink Cuba or two cups of cold water, or lukewarm, when you wake up in the morning I do not mind adding a little lemon juice to the water.3. Eat some fruit before going to sleep at night because it beneficial and increase fecal material and containing various acids, sugar and salts that soften the stomach, including jams, molasses, dried apricots, peaches and apricot dissolved. The peach-known private laxative guaranteed.4. Azba and all kinds of vegetables and fresh fruit and cooked a lot during the day, such as oranges, apples and lettuce, as it helps to stimulate bowel function.5. Azba to follow and usually the toilet every day, at a given time. The best time for this is the morning after food.
If you do not benefit all means to avoid constipation in the former, there is no objection from eating grain or TWO night before sleeping medication Alchorctul (correctol) or drug Dulcolax (Dulcolax) or the amount of a tablespoon of milk Almaniza.
Varicose veins or arteries blow
Varicose veins of the legs is a blow, which lies just under the skin on the legs are shown in blue zigzag lines obtrusive ugly and painful at times.
This increases the concern for pregnant and fear on the beauty of her legs in the future, resorting to the doctor to inquire and seek treatment to get rid of them.
Varicose veins occur in pregnant women, because the pressure of the uterus on the great vessels which descend from the pelvis, limiting the movement of blood and slow down blood circulation in the legs, and prevent it passed easily to the heart, arteries, making the lower swell and expand and fill with blood. The factor of genetics and family readiness as far as the large size of the uterus and the weight and pressure on the arteries, as previously noted, although he rarely shows varicose veins in the first months of pregnancy, and they usually disappear after delivery and in some cases remain for a long time.
How to deal with varicose veins?Unfortunately there is no cure for varicose pregnancy, but there is some means and methods that reduce and limit them Tnfajha The following is the most important:
1. The legs should be lifted on a pillow, or something like that, whenever the opportunity arises, at night as in the day to be the top legs of the basin, and the more frequent this method gave the best result.2. Use your own medical Baldoual socks, which is found in all pharmacies, but must be worn in the morning when you wake up and before getting out of bed, or when the artery is swollen after. But if I wore socks after standing and walking, and after full arterial blood does not belong to it any benefit.3. Avoid standing or walking the long term.4. Do not use strong rubber bands, which is pressing on top of the legs, and her socks Astabi high or colones, which wraps the waist.
If the cause of varicose veins has been harassed for pregnant and pain in the legs, despite the work of all these instructions, I would advise a pregnant consult a doctor who will begin addressing them with the right medications.
Piles (Hemorrhoids)
Is a set of veins or arteries at the bottom of the rectum and anus, swell and expand and become large and painful because of constipation, which often get in the majority of pregnant women. And often cause itching and hemorrhoids Onzfah simple blood from time to time.
To do so. The first step to deal with hemorrhoids is to avoid constipation and softening of the stomach.
Pending the direction of the medical, the best treatment for hemorrhoids painful is that you lie on your back and Trfie your thighs a little and use the ointment vehicle of drugs holding of the arteries and materials for removing itching and pain, such as Alnobrcaynal (Nupercainal) or (Brooktosenalar) (procto-Synalar) or (Onozul) (Anusol) note that hemorrhoids usually disappear shortly after the birth of time, but if not disappeared long as the surgery becomes a necessary treatment.
Sometimes associated with pregnancy pains in the head (Headache) vary from unit holder to another. Aches and be strong in the first three months of pregnancy, but not soon disappear altogether in the mid-pregnancy or at the end. And cure are normal methods such as light and sedative pills "aspirin" or "Panadol" and prefer to stay away from drugs powerful force in this period.
However, the headaches can sometimes be pregnant with a sign of high blood pressure, so I would advise a pregnant always measured blood pressure when there is such a pain.
Although love pregnant to sleep but they become, in recent weeks, insomnia in return for the following reasons:
1. Indigestion.2. Dyspnoea.3. Muscle spasms of the limbs and lower abdomen.4. Anxiety and fear before the birth.5. Fetal movements disturbing inside the abdomen.
So I advise pregnant with the following:
1. Do not do a lot of food before bedtime.2. Stay away from stimulants such as coffee and tea.3. And Azba to cruise and walk daily in the open air, which helps to move the bowel.4. Wash yourself with warm water every day by the shower before going to sleep and calm down your nerves Ftertah Hjohnk and fears.5. Eat a cup of hot milk or Zhorat, or any herb have the effect of housing and comfortable to the nerves before going to sleep.
If you do not benefit any of these methods, it is necessary to review your own doctor who will prescribe you some painkillers light from time to time. And a pregnant woman who knows the origin of this insomnia can then be addressed herself much better than those ignorant of.
Finally, draw the attention of the infected pregnant insomnia, to get away as possible from severe mental disorders, anger, and disturbing news at night, watch movies and TV horror.
Lower back pain
The majority of pregnant women complain of pain in the lower back (Dorsal pains) during pregnancy, the source is not a "disk" (ie, sliding in the vertebrae), or inflammation of the nerves, or disease of the bone, as some believe it is the result of fatigue and exhaustion. A "pregnant pause for" a significant impact on the source of this pain, especially in late pregnancy, when heavy pressure on the nerves of the baby's head basin of the many that feed back and legs. So I would advise a pregnant woman in such a case, lying on her back when feeling pain in the back, from time to time. Wiczol aches automatically.
Muscle spasm
Appear in the final weeks of pregnancy muscle spasms in the back and thighs, causing severe pain, due to an imbalance in the balance of the body when standing, because the pregnant woman, when her stomach is getting bigger, forced flexion of the back, that causes a sustained contraction in the muscles of the back and thighs. Convulsion may be the result of pressure on the baby's head in some nerves during pregnancy. All of these symptoms go away once the rest and lie down on the back or on the side stand is also useful in this case, wearing a corset and a tutor for pregnancy wear shoes with a heel broad and low.
It also helps to remove back pain, painful muscle massage with olive oil or ointments, laxatives, and interest here comes from the massage and not of ointments in itself.
Often, during the last two months of pregnancy, shortness of breath (Dyspnea) as a result of intrauterine pressure on the rib cage, and this in itself limits the movement of the lungs. And shortness of breath is a natural phenomenon in late pregnancy, you should not fear him, as do some women who believe they are "Sechtnguen" during the birth.
If shortness of breath causes lack of sleep or stop him. Feltda pregnant under her head and her back and comfortable pillows in order to facilitate breathing during sleep.
Although a bit of distress in breathing normally, as I said, but it must be on the stand to tell her doctor immediately if they reached a high degree of exhaustion or fatigue, or when climbing stairs or walking, because shortness of breath in this case may indicate the existence of poverty blood when pregnant, or disease in the chest, or because they smoke a lot ... Etc..
Vaginal gonorrhea
Some pregnant women notice increased vaginal discharge caused by congestion due to fluid nominated arteries. And this fluid is usually tilted to the yellowing, or similar to serum. If it is thick or thickly, accompanied by itching or foreign carrier shall inform the doctor at the time he takes the treatment. In most cases, is enough to clean the vagina pregnant and the outer part of the vagina with warm water and disinfectants, and dried well, and not to wear underwear made of synthetic yarns.
It is prohibited for pregnant women, in any case, the use of vaginal injections because it may harm the fetus and only in such a case the use of vaginal suppositories of compound medicines for each disease.
May affect some women, especially in the first period of pregnancy, mild dizziness from time to time, or simple fainting spells, due to changes that occur in the blood circulation which is distributed between the fetus and mother during pregnancy.
These seizures are not dangerous and usually improve with the passage of time and then go away for good. But we must Thblga your doctor about. If you are prone to these seizures, it is recommended that you always get pregnant a small bottle filled with smells and perfumes sniff alarm because one of them is enough to avoid seizure.
Some pregnant women feel a strong desire to itching (liching), especially during the last months of pregnancy. The itching is usually in the level of the abdomen and buttocks without being a cause of skin disease or an external phenomenon, this has been interpreted by doctors as a result of the itching hormonal and neurological alterations that occur during pregnancy.
Treatment of itching
The treatment given Vtkon pregnant, from time to time. Some analgesics, sedatives and light sensitive drugs, such as skin ointment Vnstal (FENISTIL) for example, or ointment Neryzon (Nerisone) to be used for a short period.
Cold and sinus congestion
Feel part of the pregnant chronic Alazemhen filtered during pregnancy, especially in his final months. The reason for this cold of congestion in the sinuses due to the increasing amounts of pregnancy hormones that flow to the nose through the blood, causes it to bulge the arteries of the nose and nominate him to a viscous liquid, white color, and sometimes Tmhhat bloody, not interrupted at times only by special drugs are injected in the nose, which hampers the process of respiration at the mirror.
The pregnant woman nominated is not cold which is caused by a cold or infection or crepe (influenza) to assure you that Madam in this regard. No room for fear and anxiety on the fetus, because the sinus congestion phenomenon casual usually disappear after delivery.
When nasal congestion can be used physiological serum solution (Serum physiologique) at three points in each slot of the nose shrinks arteries and streams become impassable and nose free.

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