The benefits of various potatoes and the most important information

Potatoes are part of the family of root vegetables, one of the most widespread types of vegetables around the world.

Potatoes are used around the world in a variety of ways. They are inexpensive and tasty.
Nutritional values ​​of potatoes

First, it is important to know the nutritional values ​​of potatoes. What vitamins and minerals do they contain?

Each medium grain grilled potato, about 173 grams, with its peel, contains:

    161 Kcal
    0.2 grams of fat
    4.3 grams of protein
    36.6 grams of carbohydrates;
    3.8 grams of dietary fiber
    28% of the daily ration of vitamin C
    27% of daily intake of vitamin B6
    26% of the daily intake of potassium
    19% of the daily ration of manganese
    12% of daily intake of magnesium, phosphorus, niacin and folate.

Of course, the nutritional value of potatoes varies depending on the way they are cooked and the type.

It should be noted that potato peel contains large nutrients, so it is preferable not to peel them.
Potato Health Benefits

Since potatoes contain all the previous nutrients, it means that they have some health benefits, the most important of which are:
1. Bone protection

Potatoes contain many essential nutrients that are beneficial to bone health, such as iron, phosphorus, and calcium.This means that eating them helps protect bones and promote their health.

In contrast, iron and zinc play a major role in the manufacture of collagen, which is important for maintaining bone rigidity.
2. Promote heart health

From the list above, potatoes contain dietary fiber, potassium, and vitamin C and B6, all of which promote heart health and protect it from various diseases.

These ingredients and nutrients act to control cholesterol levels thus reducing the risk of heart disease.
3. Reduce the risk of cancer

One of the most important benefits of potatoes is that they work to reduce the risk of cancer, by containing folate, which plays an important role in repairing the damaged genetic code in the body and prevent cancer cells from spreading.

The antioxidants found in potatoes reduce the levels of free radicals in the body that increase the risk of various cancers.
4. Lose weight

Although this benefit is associated with eating potatoes, it mainly depends on its own cooking method, grilling or boiling helps, while frying can cause weight gain.

Potatoes contain dietary fiber that helps you feel full for a longer period of time, reducing the amount of calories consumed later in the day.
Adjust blood pressure levels

Potassium helps to expand the blood vessels and keep them relaxed, which will reflect positively on blood pressure levels.

Potassium can be found in potatoes, but getting this benefit from this type of vegetable will be in choosing a healthy cooking method.
6. Other potato benefits

There are some other benefits associated with potatoes, which include:

    Reduced risk of infections
    Protection from constipation
    Promote digestion in the body
    Useful for skin
    Reduce the duration of the cold.

Tips on cooking potatoes

In order to enjoy the benefits of the aforementioned potatoes, it is important to choose the healthy and best cooking method, so here are the following tips:

    Do not peel potatoes, as the crust contains most of the benefits
    Wash the potatoes well before cooking them and dispose of the buds on them
    Use a knife made of stainless steel. Those made of carbon steel may interact with plant chemicals found in potatoes.
    Use the potato boiling method with its peel for maximum benefit and stay away from frying.

Save the potatoes

Do you know that keeping potatoes must be under certain conditions. Meet her:

    Store in a cool, dry and opaque place not exceeding 10 ° C
    Exposing potatoes to the sun would be a substance known as solanine turning potatoes into green, a toxic substance.
    Do not store potatoes in the refrigerator.This will turn the starch into sugars and cause an unpleasant smell.
    Never store potatoes near onions
    It can be kept for up to about two months, but if you have a rotting grain, it can cause the vegetables to rot too quickly.

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