Long-term memory

Memory Memory is defined as the container or box in which a person stores information, experiences and experiences from the outside world. Memory is divided into three types of sensory memory, short-term memory, and long-term memory. Memory types divide memory into three types: sensory memory receives information that occurs around us through the senses hearing, sight, taste, smell, touch, and sensory memory retain information for no more than five seconds, such as seeing a person in the street once and not focusing in his features. Short-term memory Short-term memory receives information from sensory memory and is processed in short-term memory and then sent to long-term memory. If information is not transferred to long-term memory within 15 seconds, the information is forgotten and not stored, such as hearing a telephone number. Long-term memory stores information for a long period of time and absorbs a large amount of information. That is why it is called long-term, such as remembering the names of your best friends, and remembering the name of the school that ended the first grade. For many years we have known everything about the world around us. Increasing the efficiency of long-term memory It comes to mind how we can train memory to store and retrieve information better. To ensure a strong memory and better storage of information, follow these steps: Write and write information: By typing the dates and work you want to accomplish, you use more than one sense to install the information Your brain. Food: Proper food gives the mind the energy to be in constant concentration and attention. One of the good foods to strengthen memory is foods that contain omega-3, and are found in salmon, walnuts, and eggs. Sleep: You have to pay attention to the health of the body and rest, especially sleep, as one study indicates that sleep is one of the needs of the mind necessary, the mind works continuously and does not stop thinking and save everything that he sees and hear; so he needs a period of not less than 8 hours of rest. Exercise: To ensure the high efficiency of brain cells and therefore a high capacity to absorb and store information you exercise, to stimulate your brain and make it filled with pure oxygen, and most important walking. In a recent scientific study published in the journal Nature Medical British researchers have concluded that walking plays an important role Increase intelligence levels and improve brain function. Alzheimer's disease: A person loses part of the information stored in memory and is infected by people over the age of 65, and can be diagnosed at the beginning of the disease where the newly acquired information is forgotten. Cerebral palsy is an injury to the brain cells as a result of the exposure of the human nerve, and symptoms of tremor and stiffness, which affect the functions of memory. Delirium: It is a sudden change in a person's mental state, affecting human ability to solve problems, behavior disorder and good judgment.

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