Muscular atrophy: causes, symptoms and treatments

Muscular atrophy is a health condition that causes muscle mass to decrease gradually, which causes damage to the body in many ways. Here are the most important information and details.
Muscular atrophy: causes, symptoms and treatments

What is the condition of muscular atrophy? What are the main causes, symptoms and treatment methods? Details and information from here:
What is muscular atrophy?

Muscular dystrophy is a medical condition that affects the muscles in which the muscle tissue is gradually lost. The muscles become leaner over time because of such things as malnutrition, heredity or even lack of physical activity.

Muscular dystrophy often occurs when a person stops performing any physical activity, or even when he stays in bed for long periods of time as a result of an illness or an accident.
Symptoms of muscle atrophy

The symptoms that appear on the patient of muscular dystrophy separately depend on the condition and the main cause, and these are some of the symptoms that may appear:

    Problems and difficulties in physical balance.
    Feeling faint and weak overall.
    Feeling that the size of one of the hands or feet is significantly smaller than the other.
    Inability to exercise physical activities for extended periods of time.

Causes of muscular atrophy

Many factors play a major role in the incidence of muscle dysfunction, the most important of which are:
Genetics and heredity

Spinal muscular atrophy is a genetic disease in the first place, causing loss of nerve cells responsible for movement and atrophy of the muscular tissue.
It is worth mentioning the so-called muscle research, a situation that falls below a range of different diseases that cause loss of muscle mass and muscle weakness and atrophy.
2. Malnutrition

Malnutrition can stimulate the emergence and emergence of a range of diseases, including muscular dystrophy. Poor diets in proteins, fruits and proteins can cause muscle atrophy in particular and loss of muscle mass.

Malnutrition may not be due to poor diet, but may be caused by a range of diseases that affect the ability of the body to absorb and benefit from various foods, especially: cancer, irritable bowel syndrome, celiac disease, wasting.
3 - different diseases

There are many diseases that may contribute to the injury of muscle dysfunction, the most important of which are:

    Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis.
    Muscle inflammation.

4. Age

As the body ages, the body begins to produce fewer proteins, which usually contribute to muscle size, maintain its health, and muscle tissue strength.

As the amount of protein in the body decreases, muscle cells begin to contract in a condition called meat atrophy, usually causing the following symptoms: movement problems, balance problems, fertility problems.
5. Neurological problems

Many neurodegenerative problems can cause the ability of the nerves responsible for controlling muscle movement to be inhibited. This prevents muscle constriction and muscle contraction because no nerve signals reach the muscles, and in time this causes muscle atrophy.
6. Other reasons

The following factors may also increase the chances of developing muscle dysfunction:

    Presence in places of low gravity, as in the case of astronauts.
    Inclusion of a bed due to a disease or paralysis of the limbs due to a stroke or stroke.
    Sit for long periods, especially by people who work in office jobs.
    Exposure to burns.

Treatment of muscular atrophy

There are several options for treating muscular atrophy, which are heavily dependent on treating the condition that was the main cause of muscle dysfunction. The most important remedies are:

    Physical physiotherapy, especially for people with paralysis or mobility problems were the cause of muscular atrophy.
    Surgery, a therapeutic option offered to people with nerve problems or injuries that are the cause of muscle atrophy.
    Electrophysiological stimulation, this type of treatment helps to stimulate constriction and muscle spasms.

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