Natural Ways To Relieve Arthritis

Arthritis causes severe pain and stress, which affects daily activities, causing stress and anxiety.

It is therefore possible to use some natural methods that contribute to the relief of arthritis.
1. Exercise

Doctors recommend that you exercise to reduce arthritis, and that you choose appropriate sports that do not cause heavy loading, such as cycling. These sports help strengthen the thigh muscles above the knee. The stronger the muscles, the better the symptoms.

Aquatic exercises are also beneficial for people with arthritis, as they resist body resistance, which helps to increase exercise intensity.

At the same time, the buoyancy provided by the water contributes to the support of body weight, thus relieving pressure on the joints.

But it is not recommended to exercise other sports that cause muscle overload, such as jogging or vigorous exercise.
Yoga also contributes to pain relief, pain management and reduced stress associated with co-existence.
2-Vitamin D.

Low vitamin D levels in the body are associated with higher levels of pain, and it ensures that bones are kept strong. Therefore, attention should be paid to increasing vitamin D in the body if it decreases.

This is done by daily exposure to morning sun, and for 15 minutes.

In addition to eating foods rich in vitamin D and most notably fatty fish such as salmon, sardines, tuna and oysters.

These fish are also rich in omega-3 fatty acids important for the health of joints and bones.

Other foods contain good amounts of vitamin D, such as egg yolks and mushrooms.

In the case of aging or low vitamin D body, the doctor can prescribe vitamin D supplements.
3-vitamin C.

Vitamin C deficiency is one of the reasons for the increased risk of arthritis, which gives bone strength and stiffness and enhances the health of the immune system.

Vitamin C also improves the body's absorption of various other important vitamins.

Vitamin C is preferred through fresh fruits such as citrus, strawberry, guava, kiwi and papaya.
4. Green tea

Two cups of green tea should be drunk daily for its anti-inflammatory properties. Some compounds in green tea help reduce inflammation and damage to joints.

Pigallocatechin 3 gallate is one of the most prominent green tea compounds. It has the ability to eliminate joint pain and treat inflammation and is used in the manufacture of rheumatoid arthritis treatments.
5. Weight loss

An important thing to note in the case of arthritis is weight loss.

Where excess weight is a burden and pressure on the joints.

It is therefore recommended to follow a healthy diet and contains important nutrients for the health of the body and joints, and away from foods high in fat and harmful to health, which cause weight gain.

To help burn fat quickly, it is advisable to exercise as recommended by your doctor.
6 - warm and cold compresses

Treatment with cold or warm compresses is an effective way to relieve the pain of arthritis.

Thermal therapy promotes blood circulation and helps calm joints and pain, while cold treatment constricts blood vessels, slowing them down, reducing swelling and numbness of pain.

Heat and cold exchange can be experienced, but it is necessary to carefully monitor the skin and stop using it if negative effects occur.

Heat treatment is as follows:

    Start the day with a warm bath or shower to ease stiffness.
    Place a heating pad or hot water bottle on the joints.

The cold treatment is one of these methods:

    Place an ice pack in a towel and wrap it well and apply it to painful areas, or cold compresses available in pharmacies can be used.
    Immersion of the injured joint in icy water.

Cold treatment is not to be used for more than 20 minutes at a time.
7. Massage

Regular massage of muscles and joints can help to ease the pain caused by inflammation.

Massage reduces the body's production of stress hormone cortisol, and massage also improves mood by increasing serotonin levels associated with happiness.

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